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zigmoyd.kdevelop Documentation
Zigmoyd is an Open Source, Free , Well Documented, Server Side, Object Oriented, Powerfull, Moduler, Secure, Customizable,Simple, Fast, Reliable, Lightweight,, Easy to use , Industry Standared, PHP Framework.
Zigmoyd is distrubuted under LGPL License which lets you use it in your Open source as well as Propeiratory Commercial Application(s) you can distribute / redistribute it as long as The Copiright Message is intact without any cost.
Zigmoyd OverView,
Directory Structure.,
Zigmoyd Commander,
Model View Controller,
MVC Explained,
View Embedding,
Object Relation Mapping,
Advanced ORM Usage.,
ROM (Request Object MOdel),
Controller Access Specifiers,
Zigmoyd modularity,
Uploading Files.,
validation System,
Validation Map,
Validation Core,
Zigmoyd Defining System,
HTML Helper,
Encryption System,
Zigmoyd Logging,
Unit Testing,
Zigmoyd's Error Handling,
Usefull Constants,
MVC Url Rewriting
All Pages
Its assumed that reader of this manual is familier with either PHP4 or 5 and also familier with OOPS Concepts and terminologies.
- Zigmoyd Respects Strict Coding Standereds.
- Zigmoyd is Structured (not an after thought it was well planned for this at the time of begening) to support Multi Project.
- e.g. you can have one project called default and another Project Called marketting, and another called sales.
- Inter Project Communication is also supported to handle shared Shared Components between Projects.
- Zigmoyd is distrubuted under LGPL License which lets you use it in your Open source as well as Propeiratory Commercial Application(s).
- You can distribute / redistribute it as long as The Copiright Message is intact without any cost.
- Zigmoyd works both on PHP4 and PHP5.
- Zigmoyd works on fully Object Oriented way.
- Zigmoyd Supports Industry Standered features like MVC, ORM, ROM(Zigmoyd's own Terminology Request Object Model)
- Database Abstraction Layer which is structured to support different Database vendors through Drivers
- Multiple Databases even from Multiple Hosts with different user name and passwords Supported in simple way just as general tables
- Zigmoyd is planned to support Kinda Multi Model Concept.
- so that one Controller can use multiple ORM Layers (for accessing Databases)
- Through MVC architecture it Isolets database Accessing Layer , Presentation Layer and Business Logic.
- and all these layer(s) can be further splited into different isoleted parts and linked
- Zigmoyd Supports embedding one View in another and chaining/nesting View Embedding.
- Zigmoyd Supports Plugable Modules/Plugin which can be provided by zigmoyd or Customly developed.
- Zigmoyd supports Unit testing in an user friendly and easy way.
- Zigmoyd Supports Highly Sofisticated Loging feature Which lets you to Log in three different ways.
- in an Hard File (which is in CSV Format)
- It can log on an active Terminal window ( it will log instantly on a console/terminal window) (only on *nix Platform)
- Socket lavel Logging (It will log to a remote Machine)
- It also supports Caching
- Configurable through Configuration Files.
- Fully Controllable by Command line based tools
- Any Many More .................