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Zigmoyd Commander

Zigmoyd Commander is a Command Line tool that can be used to tune Zigmoyd's Functionality. e.g. create Controller, ORMs, etc.....
Zigmoyd Commander's files are located in /setup directory in your Zigmoyd instance.

To use the terminal you need to open up a terminal/consol and cd to that setup directory. and type ./zigmoyd in *nix system and just zigmoyd on windows/DOS system. If PHP Path is correctly specifyied Zigmoyd Commander should open up.

Seting PHP Path

in Linux System(s) Zigmoyd Commander might work without php path settings.However it might not work in Windows. In the setup directory you will see two files zigmoyd and zigmoyd.bat the first one is for Linux and second one is for Windows.


this is the Contents of that zigmoyd file in setup directory. #!/usr/bin/php -q
if(!defined('ZIGROOT'))define('ZIGROOT', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
probably you have already understood that if your PHP path is different you might need to change the first line.


This is the contents of the batch file zigmoyd.bat in setup directory. C:\http_start\xampp\php\php.exe zigmoyd Here alse you need to change the blue path to the correct php.exe binary path


Zigmoyd Commands are more or less like Linux Commands. All Commands are in Small Caps Commands accepts number of arguments (optional) All Commands either starts with - or -- Options that start with -- is key value pair e.g. --key=value. You have to use the equal sign to assign values to it. Options that start with - is much like flag e.g. -i or -n that doesn't take any Value. If you forget to specify value of some mandatory option it will ask you to enter that.


List's all Projects in current zigmoyd Instance.

developer @ zigmoyd $ project.list --help

    --name=ProjectName            set the Project Name
    -h                            Show this help
    --help                        Show this help
if you just execute project.list it will list all projects in a tabular format.


Creates a Project.

developer @ zigmoyd$ project.create --help

   --name=ProjectName            set the Project Name
   --dir=/project/Directory/     Set The Project Directory
   -i                            set The Project as Primary Project
   -n                            set The Project as a General Project
You can execute project.create --name=foo --dir=bar -i To create a project called foo in the bar Directory which will be a Primary Project.


drops or removes a Project.

developer @ zigmoyd$ project.drop --help

   --name=ProjectName            set the Project Name
   -h                            Show this help
   --help                        Show this help
You can execute project.drop --name=foo To remove a Project Called foo


Alias of project.drop


Generates MVC (Model's view's and Controller).

developer @ zigmoyd$ codegen.mvc --help

   -m                            Generate the Model
   -v                            Generate the View
   -c                            Generate the Controller
   -h                            Show this Help
   -a                            Include all ORM on model
   -n                            Dont ask for ORM while generating model
   -l                            Different Layout for each method
   --name=M/V/C Name             set the Model / View / Controller Name
   --method=method1,method2      Set the method list
   --project=ProjectName         Set the ProjectName
   --orm=orm1,orm2               set the names of orm Maps
   --help                        Show this Help
you can execute codegen.mvc -mvca --project=home --name=student --method=info,register. It will create a controller named student in home project which will have info and register methods. It will also create views for these two methods.It will also create a main method on the Controller and create views for it. It will also create layout and params file for studentController.due to -a option studentModel will attach all ORM Maps available.

You can execute codegen.mvc -mvc --project=home --name=student --orm=student,admin. to generate a student Controller only with main method in it. Its Model will use two ORM Maps student and admin.


Highly Usefull Tool. you can even use it to determine your Project cost.It analyzes all Controllers in a Project and show's you a tree structure.

developer @ zigmoyd$ mvc.analyze --help

   --prj=ProjectName             set the Project Name
   -h                            Show this help
   --help                        Show this help
you can execute mvc.analyze --prj=home to analyze all Controllers under home Project.

developer @ zigmoyd$ mvc.analyze --prj=home

   Orm Model(s):
   Orm Model(s):
The above example shows how it analyzes the structure by analyzing all controllers of you Project.


removes a Controller, View or Model or scaffold.

developer @ zigmoyd$ mvc.drop --help

   -m                            Remove the Model
   -v                            Remove the View
   -c                            Remove the Controller
   -s                            Remove the Controller Scaffold too
   -h                            Show this Help
   --name=M/V/C Name             set the Model / View / Controller Name
   --project=ProjectName         Set the ProjectName
   --help                        Show this Help
e.g. You can use mvc.drop -mvcs --name=foo to remove the controller foo and all Views of it and scaffolds too.


Alias of [[mvc.drop]]


Generates ORM Map(s), Connection files by reading the database automatically.

developer\ @ zigmoyd$ codegen.orm --help

   --name=OrmMapFileName         Set The file name for the orm map
   --prj=ProjectName             Set The Project for which you wanna generate the ORM Map
   --conn=ConnectionName         set the Connection name
   --host=Hostname               Database host
   --usr=UserName                Database User name
   --psw=Password                Database Password
   --drv=Driver                  Database Driver
   --db=DB_Name                  Database Name
   --port=DB_port                Database Connection Port
   --help                        This Help
   -a                            Automaticaly Generate the ORM Map
   -f                            Force Strict Automation would not ask you any thing
   -h                            This help
You dont need to specify values for all options. If you forget/don't supply values for some required option, it will ask you for its value. e.g. If you use codegen.orm --name=studentOrm --prj=home --conn=schoolConn --db=school It will ask you for other informations like host port etc..... (N.B. If server is running on default port just press enter). enter driver as a string mysql all in Caps (development other drivers under construction).

If you specify -a option It will automatically generate the ORM Map but it will ask you Alias Names for all tables and Columns.

If you don't like saying Alias names of all Tables and Columns You can specify -f '''with''' -a e.g. -af so that it will not even ask you about alias Names, rather it will use their Column Names as alias name.


This was made to use zigmoyd on sourceforge's server.absolutely not required for most of the other commertial servers
Generally Zigmoyd itself generates ORM Classes from ORM Maps. But If there is no Write Access of the server process on that area of the disk (this happens with sourceforge web space) then you need to execute this command to generate ORM Classes.


Generates [[MVC_explained::Siblings]].

developer @ zigmoyd$ codegen.sibling --help

   --class                       Controller name
   --project=ProjectName         Set the ProjectName
   --method=methodName           Set the Method Name
   --help                        Show this Help
   -h                            Show this Help
e.g. you can execute codegen.sibling --class=foo --project=home --method=bar to create a sibling method named bar on fooController Class on project home.


Drop a Sibling.

developer @ zigmoyd$ sibling.drop --help

   --class                       Controller name
   --project=ProjectName         Set the ProjectName
   --method=methodName           Set the Method Name
   --help                        Show this Help
   -h                            Show this Help
   -a                            Remove all Methods
e.g. you can use sibling.drop --class=foo --project=home --method=bar to drop/remove a sibling of fooController class in home Project


By default a project is not Compatable By executing this command you make a project Compatable with zigmoyd unit testing.

developer @ zigmoyd$ codegen.unittest --help

   --project=ProjectName         Set the ProjectName
   --help                        Show this Help
   -h                            Show this Help
e.g. You can use codegen.unittest --project=home to make project home unit testing Compatable.


Generates scaffolding Classes and other things required to do scaffolding for a Controller Class in a project.

developer @ zigmoyd$ codegen.scaffold --help

   --class                       Controller name
   --project=ProjectName         Set the ProjectName
   --help                        Show this Help
   -h                            Show this Help
e.g. yo can use codegen.scaffold --class=foo --project=home will create scaffolding for foo Controller in home project.


Execute a shell Command. e.g. You can execute exec ls to list all files and directories in *nix sysstem and use exec dir to do the same on windows


Required for socket level logging.
starts a log server to listen socket level logging messages.

developer @ zigmoyd$ log --help

   --host=hostName               Set the Host name to Listen on (Optional)
   --port=portNumber             Set the Port Number on Which to Listen (9999 By Default)
   --help                        Show this Help
   -h                            Show this Help
e.g. You can simply execute log to listen on default port (9999) on server localhost.


configures mcrypt configuration and settings you can use it to modify etc/mcpt.ini.php file

developer @ zigmoyd$ mcrypt.config --help

  --algo=Algorithm       The mcrypt Algorithm to use
  --mode=Mode            The mcrypt encryption mode to use
  --prj=Project Name     Set The Project name
  --psw=Password         encryption Password
  --rand=randomSource    Source of randomness
  --timeout=s/m          Timeout (s)econd or (m)icrosecond
  --help                 Show This Help
  -h                     Show This help

Generated on Mon Oct 27 23:51:57 2008 for zigmoyd.kdevelop by doxygen 1.5.6