<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1024" />
<span class="status"> <?= $status ?> </span> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1024" /> Choose a file to Upload: <input name="atch" type="file" /><br /> <label class="error"> <?= triggeredErr('atch', $request->file) ?> </label> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form>
<?= span::open(null, 'status') ?><?= $status ?><?= span::close() ?> <?= form::startMultipart() ?> <?= form::hidden('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 1024) ?> Choose a file to upload: <?= form::file('atch') ?><br /> <?= label::open(null, 'error') ?><?= triggeredErr('atch', $request->file) ?><?= label::close() ?> <?= form::submit(null, 'Upload') ?> <?= form::end() ?>
to check wheather or not the form has ben submitted. optional
against it.see validation System, Validation Map. However Its worth to mention that Zigmoyd Validation system's optional
criteria can handle the following situations.<?php class someController extends homeController{//homeController ultimately extends zigController Class public function someMethod(){ if(!$this->request->file->isSubmitted()){ //form has not ben submitted yet }else{ //form has been submitted. $this->request->file->initValidator('vldMapName')//Validation Map against which to validate if(!$this->request->file->doUpload()){ //Failed to Upload //there are so many causes for uploading to fail including overruling validation map }else{ //successfully Uploaded file } } } } ?>
method does the uploading job. Better to say it tries to upload the file(s)
By default it stores all files in transfer/up
directory in your project's directory. however you can change that by invoking upload::setDestination()
in your current project's directory which may look like the following one. [default] filter[] = "size(0, 1024)" filter[] = "ext.deny(o, bin, sh, exe, bat, com)" filter[] = "mime.deny(application/x-php)" filter[] = "content.ban(violence)" filter[] = "name.ban(passwd, shadow)" [rule] Z_UPLOAD_RULE_REQ = required;required Specifies that the field is mandatory Z_UPLOAD_RULE_SIZE = size;size(MIN, MAX) * means any Z_UPLOAD_RULE_EXT_ALLOW = ext.allow;ext.allow(png, jpeg) Allowed Extension Z_UPLOAD_RULE_EXT_DENY = ext.deny;ext.deny(png, jpeg) Denied Extension Z_UPLOAD_RULE_MIME_ALLOW = mime.allow;mime.allow(text/plain|text/html) Allowed Mime Types Z_UPLOAD_RULE_MIME_DENY = mime.deny;mime.deny(text/plain|text/html) Denied Mime Types Z_UPLOAD_RULE_NAME_BAN = name.ban;name.ban(words1|words2) Z_UPLOAD_RULE_NAME_REGX = name.regx;name.regx(REGEX) reguler expression to match Z_UPLOAD_RULE_IMAGE = img;img File must be an Image Z_UPLOAD_RULE_IMAGE_HEIGHT = img.height;img.height(MIN, MAX) * means any Z_UPLOAD_RULE_IMAGE_WIDTH = img.width;img.width(MIN, MAX) * means any Z_UPLOAD_RULE_CONTENT_BAN = content.ban;content.ban(words1|words2) Specify Ban words in Contents File must be textual Z_UPLOAD_RULE_CONTENT_LEN = content.len;content.len(MIN, MAX) sets the strlen() of a textual file Z_UPLOAD_RULE_CONTENT_CONTAIN = content.contains;content.contains(words1|words2) Specify the words must be present on the texual file uploaded [settings] Z_UPLOAD_NAME_RANDOM = "off" Z_UPLOAD_NAME_OVERWRITE = "off" [php_error] UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE = "Uploaded file size is greater than allowed Size in php.ini file (This is a Development Friendly Error Message The Developer should Change it)" UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE = "Uploaded File Size Exided the allowed file size in the Hidden Filed (This is a Development Friendly Error Message The Developer should Change it or add an size(0, MAX_FILE_SIZE) criteria)" UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL = "File could was Partially Uploaded (This is a Development Friendly Error Message The Developer should Change it)" UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE = "No File has been Supplied for Uploading (This is a Development Friendly Error Message The Developer should Change it)" UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR = "Missing a Temporary Folder (This is a Development Friendly Error Message The Developer should Change it)" UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE = "Failed to write the uploaded file on server Disk (This is a Development Friendly Error Message The Developer should Change it)" ;UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION = "The extension is not supported by php.ini File (This is a Development Friendly Error Message The Developer should Change it or add a criteria ext.deny(EXTENS_TO_DENY))"
directive you can store the default filters that will be automatically applied on all upload fields. e.g. you wouldn't need to create a map and initialize validation system invoking initValidator()
method. [rule]
directive holds default rule names and what that rule does is comment out on its right side. see more about it on Validation Map Page
block holds default error messages for Standard errors fired by PHP.
directive holds default settings about which we will now discuss.
to on
if two file with same name uploaded one after another should it overwrite the first one with the second one or not is controlled by Z_UPLOAD_NAME_OVERWRITE
You can statically change them in INI configuration files as well as dynamically with zDef (Zigmoyd Defining System). You can issue zDef::set('Z_UPLOAD_NAME_RANDOM', true)
at runtime to set it to on.
You can also change Z_UPLOAD_NAME_OVERWRITE
at runtime in the same way. you can simply code like this.
<?php class someController extends homeController{//homeController ultimately extends zigController Class public function someMethod(){ if(!$this->request->file->isSubmitted()){ //form has not ben submitted yet }else{ //form has been submitted. zDef::set('Z_UPLOAD_NAME_RANDOM', true); $this->request->file->initValidator('vldMapName')//validation if(!$this->request->file->doUpload()){ //Failed to Upload //there are so many causes for uploading to fail including overruling validation map }else{ //successfully Uploaded file } } } } ?>