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Usefull Constants

This Page Holds documentations about Some usefull Constants.

endl \n
Z_CONTROLLER_NAME The Controller's Name that has been / going to be used
Z_METHOD_NAME The Controller's method has been / going to be invoked
Z_PROJECT_NAME Current Project Name e.g. the Project currently being used
ZIGROOT Zigmoyd Installation Directory (Full System Path)
ZIG_PROJECT_ROOT Project's Directory (Full System path)
Z_PROJECT_DIR The Current Project's Directory name (Not a path just the Directory Name)
DRS Directory separator \ on windows and / on linux

IS_PHP4 its value is true if PHP4 is running else false
IS_PHP5 its value is true if PHP5 is running else false

CLIENT_OS Client Operating System
IS_AMAYA Holds string "Amaya" If client is using amaya else false
IS_BEOS Holds string "BeOS" If client is using BeOS else false
IS_FIREBIRD Holds string "Firebird" If client is using Firebird else false
IS_FIREFOX Holds string "Firefox" If client is using Firefox else false
IS_GALEON Holds string "galeon" If client is using galeon else false
IS_ICAB Holds string "icab" If client is using iCab else false
IS_IE Holds string "microsoft internet explorer" If client is using Internet explorer else false
IS_KONQUEROR Holds string "Konqueror" If client is using Konqueror else false
IS_LINUX Holds string "Linux" If client is using Linux else false
IS_LYNX Holds string "Lynx" If client is using Lynx else false
IS_MAC Holds string "Macintosh" If client is using Mac else false
IS_MACINTOSH Holds string "Macintosh" If client is using Macintosh else false
IS_MOZILLA Holds string "Mozilla" If client is using Mozilla else false
IS_MSIE Holds string "msie" If client is using Microsoft Interner Explorer else false
IS_MSPIE Holds string "mspie" If client is using mspie else false
IS_NETPOSITIVE Holds string "NetPositive" If client is using NetPositive else false
IS_NETSCAPE Holds string "netscape" If client is using Netscape else false
IS_OMNIWEB Holds string "omniweb" If client is using omniweb else false
IS_OPERA Holds string "opera" If client is using Opera else false
IS_OS2 Holds string "OS/2" If client is using OS/2 else false
IS_PHOENIX Holds string "Phoenix" If client is using Phoenix else false
IS_SAFARI Holds string "Safari" If client is using Safari else false
IS_WEBTV Holds string "webtv" If client is using WebTv else false
IS_WIN Holds string "Windows" If client is using Windows else false
IS_WINDOWS Holds string "Windows" If client is using Windows else false

Z_php_str_md5 required for specifying hashing value is "md5()"
Z_php_str_md5 required for specifying hashing value is "md5()"

Path related constants

The following is the paths to various different resources/directories used by zigmoyd MOD_KEY_NAME_EXPLICIT will expand to the modules directory where all the modules resides. all these PATH(s) are set through /etc/path.ini.php configration file. so if you change value of Z_DIR_LOG_DEBUG zigmoyd will use the specified directory instead of teh default directory for storeing debug level file logs.
Zigmoyd is not tested with ALL of its PATH Constants changed so it might show unexpected behaviour if you change some of them.
all the Paths are relative.to your Zigmoyd Installation Directory e.g. ZIGROOT.
Z_DIR_LIB defaults to "usr/lib"
MOD_KEY_NAME_EXPLICIT defaults to "usr/lib/module"
MOD_KEY_NAME_INTERNAL defaults to "usr/lib/abstract"
PLUG_KEY_NAME_EXPLICIT defaults to "usr/lib/plugin"
PLUG_KEY_NAME_INTERNAL defaults to "usr/lib/pabs"
Z_DIR_SHARE defaults to "usr/share"
Z_VIEW_DIR_NAME defaults to "usr/share/view"
Z_DIR_CLEXEC defaults to "usr/share/scripts"
Z_DIR_IMG defaults to "usr/share/pix"
Z_DIR_JS defaults to "usr/share/scripts/js"
Z_DIR_VBS defaults to "usr/share/scripts/vbs"
Z_DIR_CSS defaults to "usr/share/scripts/css"
Z_DIR_TMPL defaults to "usr/share/template"
Z_DIR_LOCAL_SRC defaults to "usr/local/src"
Z_DIR_LOCAL_LIB defaults to "usr/local/lib"
Z_DIR_BIN defaults to "usr/share/bin"
Z_DIR_FONT defaults to "usr/share/bin/font"
Z_DIR_TRANS defaults to "trans"
Z_DIR_TRANS_UP defaults to "transfer/up"
Z_DIR_TRANS_DN defaults to "transfer/down"
Z_DIR_INCLUDE defaults to "usr/include"
Z_DIR_SEC defaults to "usr/include/sec"
Z_DIR_ERR defaults to "usr/include/err"
Z_DIR_LOG_DEBUG defaults to "var/log/debug"
Z_DIR_LOG_ERROR defaults to "var/log/error"
Z_DIR_UNIT_TEST defaults to "var/unit"
Z_DIR_ETC_INIT defaults to "init.d"
Z_DIR_ETC_CONF defaults to "conf.d"
Z_DIR_RDMP defaults to "run";Readymade scripts
Z_DIR_CACHE_MVC defaults to "var/cache/mvc"
Z_DIR_PID defaults to "var/pid";PID
Z_DIR_TMP defaults to "tmp";temporary
Z_DIR_PROJECTS defaults to "projects"
Z_DIR_MVC_CONTROLLER defaults to "controller"
Z_DIR_MVC_MODEL defaults to "model"
Z_DIR_MVC_VIEW defaults to view
Z_DIR_APPS defaults to apps

Generated on Mon Oct 27 23:51:57 2008 for zigmoyd.kdevelop by doxygen 1.5.6