assert | This is the main Unit Testing Class that you will be using for unit testing operation |
assertItem | Item Class that holds the Result of Each Test |
bold | Represents the Bold tag |
Embed | |
err | |
font | The Class for font Tag |
form | HTML Form Helper This Class Can generete verious HTML Tags related To form like TextBox, CheckBox, selectBox etc |
HtmlTag | Parent class of all Html Tag Classes |
italics | Represents the Italics tag |
label | The Class for label Tag |
mediaRouter | Media Router The Zigmoyd Shared Content Router |
orm_CodeGen | Orm_CodeGen Class Parses the the orm Map on file from /projects/prjName/etc/conf.d and generates the classes on /projects/prjName/apps/model/orm |
OrmDriver | |
OrmDriver_mysql | |
ormMapParser | This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework |
rewriteMapParser | Rewrite Map Parser |
romClient | This Class currently doesn't Interact in Zigmoyd activities |
romServer | This Class currently doesn't Interact in Zigmoyd activities |
shared | Shourtcut to make the Url to the Shared Contrnts like Images javascripts CSS File(s) etc |
span | The Class for span Tag |
underline | Represents the underline tag |
unitList | Holds the Unit Test(s) List e.g |
unitTestReader | The Class that Reads Unit Test Files used by zigmoyd itself you dont need to use this class manually in your Code |
upload | |
validation | Form Validation Class |
validationCore | ValidationCore class contains the Common methods and attributes of all types of validation related classes such as form validation upload validation etc |
vldMapParser | This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework |
zCache | |
zCache_factory | |
zCaptcha | ZCaptcha generates Captcha Images Dynamically Requires GD Librery To be Installed Its Meant to be Called from a Controller |
zCDE | |
zCookie | Cookie Management Class |
zCore | |
zCrypt | |
zCrypt_intermediate | |
zCryptDrv_both | Multi adapter for zigmoyd Encryption |
zCryptDrv_mcrypt | MCrypt adapter for Zigmoyd Encryption System |
zCryptDrv_xor | XOR adapter for Zigmoyd Encryption System |
zCryptDrv_xor_intermediate | XOR adapter (Intermediate) for Zigmoyd Encryption System |
zCryptObj | The main class that holds all encryption decryption methods But not needed to use it as an object cause equivalent objects are aviliable for all methods of this class |
zDbAccess | |
zDbAccessRowSet | |
zDef | |
zDynOrm | |
zDynOrmRowSet | |
zFAccess | Zigmoyd File System Access Class |
zFtpClient | |
zHttpAuth | |
zHttpClient | |
zigController | Zigmoyd's Controller |
zigModel | |
zigRowSet | |
zItem | ZItem Class Constructs a Node of a Linked List or a tree |
zList | Linked List Class |
zLoader | Contains the methods to load module(s), View(s), plugin(s) |
zLogClient | |
zLogger | |
zMailClient | |
zOrm_base | |
zOrm_core | |
zOrm_inc | |
zOrm_magic | |
zOrm_noMagic | |
zQuery | |
zQueryRowSet | |
zRom | Container of all Request Components |
zRom_fields | Container of a Field |
zRom_form | Works as a container of GET/POST |
zRom_upload | Works as a container of File Upload |
zSession | Session Management Class |
zSocketClient | SocketClient Class |
zTemplate | |
zTree | |
zVect | Implementation of Vector by Using Linked List |
zVectIterator |