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zLogger Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for zLogger:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for zLogger:

Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 error ($msg, $title=null)
 Log a Error Level Message.
 debug ($msg, $title=null, $udebug=false)
 Log a Debug Level Message.
 hr ()
 Draws a Horizontal Line on The Log using '=' sign.
 udebug ($msg, $title=null)
 Log an User Debug Level Message.
 udebugOn ()
 udebugOff ()

Private Member Functions

 commit ($udebug=false)
 Commits the Log data to a Media (File | tty | SocketClient).
 release ()
 Gets called at the very end to Complete the Logging Process.

Detailed Description

zLogger Class is used for Logging. you use several static method to log different activities. like zLogger::debug() to make a debugf log or zlogger::error() to make an error log. Logs will be stored into File or sent to terminal or can be caught through sockets too depending upon your Configuration settings. in etc/zig.ini.php File in your Project's Directory there you will find [log] Directive for configuring Logging.
	Configuring Logger
	Z_LOG_LEVEL                    => Logging Level
		0	        -> Loging is Disabled
		1         -> Log Only Errors
		2         -> Log Both Debug and Error
		-->> There is No option for Debug only Logs cause you must see the error Logs
	Z_LOG_MEDIA                    => Where to Log
		file      -> Log to file.
		tty       -> TTY Level Logging (Only on *nix system)
		socket    -> Socket Level Logging
	Z_LOG_DATE                    => date pattern in Log.file Name (if media is file)
	Z_LOG_STAMP_TIME              => Time Stamp pattrn default is "H:i:s"
	Z_LOG_STAMP_DATE              => Date Stamp default is "M d Y D"
	Z_LOG_TTY                     => tty Name e.g. /dev/pts/2 (The Name might vary System To System)
		put the tty Name here when tty media is used.
	Z_LOG_SOCK_HOST               => Socket Host of the Log Client
		Applicable when used socket media
	Z_LOG_SOCK_PORT               => Socket Port defaults to 9999
		Applicable when used socket media
	Z_LOG_SOCK_TIMEOUT            => Timeout on socket level logging defaults to 10;
	Z_LOG_UDEBUG                  => User debug off by default.
		If set to on only your Error/debug messages will be shown PHP's Own Internal
		Debug messages will not be shown.

Definition at line 59 of file logger.php.

Member Function Documentation

zLogger::error ( msg,
title = null 

Log a Error Level Message.

$msg string Error Message
$title string Optional message Title

Definition at line 66 of file logger.php.

References $GLOBALS, commit(), and zDef::get().

Referenced by zQuery::__construct(), zLogClient::__construct(), zDynOrm::colList(), zDbAccess::colList(), zSocketClient::connect(), zSocketClient::isConnectable(), mediaRouter::readFile(), and mediaRouter::sendContentType().

00066                                    {
00067     $logBuffer =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal____Logg__Buffer____'];
00068     $logBuffer[] = array( 'type' => 'error',
00069                           'title' => $title,
00070                           'msg' => $msg,
00071                           'timestamp' => time(),
00072                           'time' => date(zDef::get('Z_LOG_STAMP_TIME')),
00073                           'date' => date(zDef::get('Z_LOG_STAMP_DATE'))
00074                           );
00075     zLogger::commit();
00076   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

zLogger::debug ( msg,
title = null,
udebug = false 

Log a Debug Level Message.

$msg string Debug Message
$title string Optional message Title

Definition at line 83 of file logger.php.

References $GLOBALS, commit(), and zDef::get().

Referenced by zQuery::__construct(), zOrm_core::attachDriver(), zigController::cacheExists(), zDynOrm::colList(), zDbAccess::colList(), zSession::commit(), zigController::commitViews(), zSocketClient::connect(), zOrm_noMagic::crossJoin(), zOrm_base::delete(), zSocketClient::disconnect(), zOrm_base::distinct(), zOrm_core::exec(), zigController::execCache(), OrmDriver_mysql::execute(), zOrm_base::export(), zOrm_noMagic::forceJoin(), zSession::getEncrypted(), zCookie::getEncrypted(), OrmDriver_mysql::getForeignKey(), zSession::getPlain(), zCookie::getPlain(), OrmDriver_mysql::getPrimaryKey(), zSession::Id(), zOrm_base::index(), zOrm_core::init(), zOrm_core::initLex(), zRom_upload::initValidator(), zRom_form::initValidator(), zOrm_noMagic::innerJoin(), zOrm_base::insert(), zOrm_noMagic::join(), zCookie::keyExists(), zOrm_noMagic::leftJoin(), zigController::loadSharedView(), zigController::loadView(), zSession::Name(), zSession::regenerateId(), zSession::remove(), zCookie::remove(), zOrm_base::remove(), zigController::renderSharedView(), zigController::renderView(), zOrm_noMagic::rightJoin(), zSession::setEncrypted(), zCookie::setEncrypted(), zSession::setPlain(), zCookie::setPlain(), zCookie::setRaw(), zSession::start(), zSession::started(), udebug(), zOrm_base::update(), and upload::validate().

00083                                                   {
00084     $logBuffer =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal____Logg__Buffer____'];
00085     $logBuffer[] = array( 'type' => 'debug',
00086                           'title' => $title,
00087                           'msg' => $msg,
00088                           'timestamp' => time(),
00089                           'time' => date(zDef::get('Z_LOG_STAMP_TIME')),
00090                           'date' => date(zDef::get('Z_LOG_STAMP_DATE'))
00091                           );
00092     zLogger::commit($udebug);
00093   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

zLogger::hr (  ) 

Draws a Horizontal Line on The Log using '=' sign.

Definition at line 98 of file logger.php.

References $GLOBALS, commit(), and zDef::get().

00098                {
00099     $logBuffer =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal____Logg__Buffer____'];
00100     $logBuffer[] = array( 'type' => 'debug',
00101                           'title' => '==================',
00102                           'msg' => '=============================================',
00103                           'timestamp' => time(),
00104                           'time' => date(zDef::get('Z_LOG_STAMP_TIME')),
00105                           'date' => date(zDef::get('Z_LOG_STAMP_DATE'))
00106                           );
00107     zLogger::commit();
00108   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

zLogger::commit ( udebug = false  )  [private]

Commits the Log data to a Media (File | tty | SocketClient).

Definition at line 113 of file logger.php.

References $GLOBALS, zDef::get(), and perror().

Referenced by debug(), error(), hr(), and release().

00113                                 {
00114     isset($GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal__Logg__Debug__File__Handle____']) ? $debugLogHandle =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal__Logg__Debug__File__Handle____'] : false;
00115     isset($GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal__Logg__Error__File__Handle____']) ? $errorLogHandle =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal__Logg__Error__File__Handle____'] : false;
00116     $logBuffer =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal____Logg__Buffer____'];
00117     if(zDef::get('Z_LOG_LEVEL') != 0){
00118       switch(zDef::get('Z_LOG_MEDIA')){
00119         case 'file':
00120             if(zDef::get('Z_LOG_AUTOCOMMIT')){
00121               foreach($logBuffer as $logObj){
00122                 $str = "\"$logObj[timestamp]\",\"$logObj[time]\",\"$logObj[date]\",\"$logObj[title]\",\"$logObj[msg]\"\n";
00123                 if($logObj['type'] == 'error'){
00124                   //if(fwrite($errorLogHandle, '"ERROR",'.$str) === false){
00125                   if(fwrite($errorLogHandle, $str) === false){
00126                     perror('<code>zigmoyd.log</code><br />failed to Log Error Message in error Log File');
00127                   }
00128                   //if(fwrite($debugLogHandle, '"ERROR",'.$str) === false){
00129                   //if(fwrite($debugLogHandle, $str) === false){
00130                   //  perror('<code>zigmoyd.log</code><br />failed to Log Error Message in Debug Log File');
00131                   //}
00132                 }else{
00133                   if(zDef::get('Z_LOG_LEVEL') == 2){//Log debug Level Messages only if Log Level is 2
00134                     if(fwrite($debugLogHandle, $str) === false){
00135                       perror('<code>zigmoyd.log</code><br />failed to Log Debug Message');
00136                     }
00137                   }
00138                 }
00139               }
00140             }
00141           break;
00142         case 'tty':
00143             if(PHP_OS == "WINNT")trigger_error('TTY Level Logging is Is Not aviliable under Windows', E_USER_NOTICE);
00144             foreach($logBuffer as $logObj){
00145               //$str = "$logObj[timestamp] $logObj[time] $logObj[date]   $logObj[title] \t $logObj[msg]\n";
00146               if(($GLOBALS['__log_udebug'] && $udebug) || (!$GLOBALS['__log_udebug'])){
00147                 if($logObj['type'] == 'error'){
00148                   $str = "\033[35m$logObj[time]\033[0m  \033[31m$logObj[title]\033[0m \t\t \033[5;30m\033[48m$logObj[msg]\033[0m";
00149                   if(shell_exec("echo '$str' > ".zDef::get('Z_LOG_TTY'))){
00150                     perror('<code>zigmoyd.log</code><br />failed to Log Error Message');
00151                   }
00152                 }else{
00153                   if(zDef::get('Z_LOG_LEVEL') == 2){//Log debug Level Messages only if Log Level is 2
00154                     $str = "\033[35m$logObj[time]\033[0m  \033[32m$logObj[title]\033[0m \t\t \033[34m$logObj[msg]\033[0m";
00155                     if(shell_exec("echo '$str' > ".zDef::get('Z_LOG_TTY'))){
00156                       perror('<code>zigmoyd.log</code><br />failed to Log Debug Message ');
00157                     }
00158                   }
00159                 }
00160               }
00161             }
00162             $logBuffer = array();//Flush the Buffer Array
00163           break;
00164         case 'socket':
00165             if(!isset($logHandle) || !is_object($logHandle))$logHandle =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal__Logg__socket__obj____'];
00166             if(($GLOBALS['__log_udebug'] && $udebug) || (!$GLOBALS['__log_udebug'])){
00167               foreach($logBuffer as $logObj){
00168                 if($logObj['type'] == 'error'){
00169                   if(is_object($logHandle))$logHandle->write($logObj);
00170                 }else{
00171                   if((zDef::get('Z_LOG_LEVEL') == 2)){
00172                     if(is_object($logHandle))$logHandle->write($logObj);
00173                   }
00174                 }
00175               }
00176             }
00177             $logBuffer = array();//Flush the Buffer Array
00178           break;
00179         default:
00180           perror('<code>zigmoyd.log</code><br />Invalid Log media (Z_LOG_MEDIA) "'.zDef::get('Z_LOG_MEDIA'));
00181           exit;
00182       }
00183     }
00184   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

zLogger::release (  )  [private]

Gets called at the very end to Complete the Logging Process.

Definition at line 189 of file logger.php.

References $GLOBALS, commit(), zDef::get(), and zDef::set().

00189                     {
00190     $debugLogHandle =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal__Logg__Debug__File__Handle____'];
00191     $errorLogHandle =& $GLOBALS['____zigmoyd__Internal__Logg__Error__File__Handle____'];
00192     if((zDef::get('Z_LOG_LEVEL') != 0) && !zDef::get('Z_LOG_AUTOCOMMIT')){
00193       zDef::set('Z_LOG_AUTOCOMMIT', true);
00194       zLogger::commit();
00195       zDef::set('Z_LOG_AUTOCOMMIT', false);
00196       is_resource($errorLogHandle) ? fclose($errorLogHandle) : false;
00197       is_resource($debugLogHandle) ? fclose($debugLogHandle) : false;
00198     }
00199   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

zLogger::udebug ( msg,
title = null 

Log an User Debug Level Message.

$msg string Debug Message
$title string Optional message Title

Definition at line 206 of file logger.php.

References debug().

Referenced by zOrm_base::isValidUpdate().

00206                                     {
00207     zLogger::debug($msg, $title, true);
00208   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

zLogger::udebugOn (  ) 

Turns uDebug On

Definition at line 212 of file logger.php.

References $GLOBALS.

00212                      {
00213     $GLOBALS['__log_udebug'] = true;
00214   }

zLogger::udebugOff (  ) 

Turns uDebug off

Definition at line 218 of file logger.php.

References $GLOBALS.

00218                       {
00219     $GLOBALS['__log_udebug'] = false;
00220   }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Mon Oct 27 23:54:13 2008 for zigmoyd.kdevelop by doxygen 1.5.6