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ormMapParser Class Reference
[Parser.Database Connectivity]

This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework. More...

Inheritance diagram for ormMapParser:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ormMapParser:

Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 ormMapParser ()
 __construct ()
 parse_var_list ($str)
 explode_token ($token_str)
 parseMap ($map)
 The Raw Parser Goes through the Orm Map and Generates a Raw Array of Tokens and returns that You must supply the Full Path to Orm Map to work.
 loadMap ($map_path)
 Gets the file onced parsed by the parseMap() and Uses its returned array as the input and generates another easy to understand object and stores it into $this->__struct However you must supply the full path to orm map.

Data Fields


Detailed Description

This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework.

Copyright (C) 2008 Neel Basu (Sunanda Bose)

Zigmoyd PHP Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Zigmoyd PHP Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Zigmoyd PHP Framework. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Parses the orm Map and generates and Intermediate code on $this->__struct that the Child class(s) can access and use

Definition at line 31 of file prs_orm.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ormMapParser::__construct (  ) 

Reimplemented from zCore.

Definition at line 38 of file prs_orm.php.

Referenced by orm_CodeGen::orm_CodeGen(), and ormMapParser().

00038                         {
00039     parent::__construct();
00040     $this->__struct = new stdClass();
00041   }

Member Function Documentation

ormMapParser::ormMapParser (  ) 

Definition at line 35 of file prs_orm.php.

References __construct().

00035                          {
00036     $this->__construct();
00037   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

ormMapParser::parse_var_list ( str  ) 

Definition at line 42 of file prs_orm.php.

Referenced by parseMap().

00042                                {
00043     trim(&$str);
00044     if(strlen($str) < 3){
00045       return false;
00046     }
00047     $carry_char = '';
00048     $__list = array();
00049     for($offset = 0;$offset<strlen($str);$offset++){
00050       switch(true){
00051         case ($str[$offset] == ':'):
00052             $current_token = trim($carry_char.$str[$offset], "\r\n\t :");
00053             $carry_char = '';
00054           break;
00055         case ($str[$offset] == "\r"):
00056         case ($str[$offset] == "\n"):
00057         case ($offset == strlen($str)-1):
00058             $__list[$current_token] = trim($carry_char.$str[$offset], "\r\n\t :");
00059             $carry_char = '';
00060           break;
00061         default:
00062           $carry_char .= $str[$offset];
00063       }
00064     }
00065     return $__list;
00066   }

ormMapParser::explode_token ( token_str  ) 

Definition at line 67 of file prs_orm.php.

References perror().

Referenced by parseMap().

00067                                     {
00068     trim(&$token_str);
00069     $__token = array();
00070     $tmp = preg_split('~\s+~', $token_str);
00071     if(count($tmp) < 2){
00072       perror('EROOER PARSING ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.' near <br />'.$token_str.'<br />ELEMENT Must be in `STRING as STRING` format');
00073     }
00074     $__token['type'] = $tmp[0];
00075     switch($__token['type']){
00076       case 'connection':
00077           $__token['alias'] = $tmp[count($tmp)-1];
00078         break;
00079       case 'table':
00080           $__token['element'] = $tmp[1];
00081           $__token['alias'] = $tmp[count($tmp)-1];
00082         break;
00083       case 'readonly':
00084       case 'writable':
00085           $__token['type'] = 'attribute';
00086           $__token['permession'] = $tmp[0];
00087           $__token['element'] = $tmp[1];
00088           $__token['alias'] = $tmp[count($tmp)-1];
00089         break;
00090       default:
00091         perror('EROOER PARSING ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.' near <br />'.$token_str.'<br />Unexpected TOKEN TYPE '.$__token['type']);
00092     }
00093     return $__token;
00094   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

ormMapParser::parseMap ( map  ) 

The Raw Parser Goes through the Orm Map and Generates a Raw Array of Tokens and returns that You must supply the Full Path to Orm Map to work.

$map string

Definition at line 103 of file prs_orm.php.

References $__struct, explode_token(), parse_var_list(), and perror().

Referenced by loadMap().

00103                          {
00104     if(!file_exists($map)){
00105       perror('ERROR While Parsing the ORM Map The File '.$map.' Doesn\'t exists');
00106       exit;
00107     }
00108     $this->__map_file_name = $map;
00109     $handle = fopen($map, "r");
00110     $buffer = '';
00111     $offset = 0;
00112     $previous_char = null;
00113     $pstk = array();//Perent Stack Array
00114     $carrier = '';
00115     $__token = array();
00116     $__tree = array();//Holds the Tree Structure of Parent Child Reletionship
00117     $p = 0;
00118     //{ Primary Tokenization Completed
00119     while(!feof($handle)){
00120       $buffer = fread($handle, 1);
00121       //{{ Handle the Current Character
00122       switch($buffer){
00123         case '{':
00124             $pstk[trim($offset-strlen($offset))] = trim($carrier);
00125             $tmp = array_keys($pstk);
00126               $__tree[$p]['self'] = $pstk[$tmp[count($tmp)-1]];
00127               if(isset($tmp[count($tmp)-2]) && isset($pstk[$tmp[count($tmp)-2]])){
00128                 $__tree[$p]['parent'] = $pstk[$tmp[count($tmp)-2]];
00129               }else{
00130                 $__tree[$p]['parent'] = false;
00131               }
00132               $p++;
00133             $carrier = '';
00134           break;
00135         case '}':
00136             $__token[trim(array_pop($pstk))] = trim($carrier);
00137             $carrier = '';
00138           break;
00139         default:
00140             $carrier .= $buffer;
00141       }
00142       //}}
00143       $offset++;
00144       $previous_char = $buffer;
00145     }
00146     //}
00147     $__struct = array();//an array that Holds the Structure
00148     $__uid = array();//an array that Stores Unique ID of each Token
00149     $__cptr = array();//array of Child Location Pointers;
00150     $p = 0;
00151     $t = 0;//Token Pointer to carry on the uniqueness of each token in token stream
00152     foreach($__tree as $lxr){
00153       $self = &$lxr['self'];
00154       $parent = &$lxr['parent'];
00155       if(!$parent){//Element Under root
00156         $__struct[$p] = array('token' => $this->explode_token($self), 'value' => $this->parse_var_list($__token[$self]), 'child' => false);
00157         $__uid[$self] = $t;
00158         $__cptr[$t] = &$__struct[$p]['child'];
00159         ++$p;
00160       }else{//Element non root
00161         $p_id = $__uid[$parent];
00162         $__cptr[$p_id][] = array('token' => $this->explode_token($self), 'value' => $this->parse_var_list($__token[$self]), 'child' => false);
00163         $__uid[$self] = $t;
00164       }
00165       $t++;
00166     }
00167     fclose($handle);
00168     return $__struct;
00169   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

ormMapParser::loadMap ( map_path  ) 

Gets the file onced parsed by the parseMap() and Uses its returned array as the input and generates another easy to understand object and stores it into $this->__struct However you must supply the full path to orm map.

$map_path string

Definition at line 177 of file prs_orm.php.

References parseMap(), and perror().

00177                              {
00178     $__token_table = $this->parseMap($map_path);
00179     //{ Parse the Cnnection
00180     if($__token_table[0]['token']['type'] != 'connection'){
00181       perror('ERROR While Parsing the ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.' Unexpected Token `'.$__token_table[0]['token']['type'].'` at the Begening');
00182     }
00183     $this->__struct->connection->alias = $__token_table[0]['token']['alias'];
00184 //    foreach($__token_table[0]['value'] as $key => $val){
00185 //      $this->__struct->connection->{$key} = $val;
00186 //    }
00187     //}
00188     //{ Parse The Tables
00189     for($i=1;$i<count($__token_table);$i++){
00190       if($__token_table[$i]['token']['type'] != 'table'){
00191         perror('ERROR While Parsing the ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.' Unexpected Token `'.$__token_table[$i]['token']['type'].'` at '.$i.' Parent Node <br />Expecting table');
00192         exit;
00193       }
00194       $this->__struct->tables->$__token_table[$i]['token']['element'] = new stdClass();
00195       $link = &$this->__struct->tables->$__token_table[$i]['token']['element'];
00196       $link->alias = $__token_table[$i]['token']['alias'];
00197       //{{ Parse The Fields
00198       if(!is_array($__token_table[$i]['child'])){
00199         perror('ERROR While Parsing the ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.' No Child Attributes Found For Table '.$__token_table[$i]['token']['element']);
00200         exit;
00201       }
00202       $link->Attributes = array();
00203       foreach($__token_table[$i]['child'] as $j => $child){
00204         if($child['token']['type'] != 'attribute'){
00205           perror('ERROR While Parsing the ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.' Unexpected Token '.$child['token']['type'].' Expecting attribute near '.$child['token']['permession'].' '.$child['token']['element'].' as '.$child['token']['alias']);
00206           exit;
00207         }
00208         $link->Attributes[$child['token']['element']] = new stdClass();
00209         $link->Attributes[$child['token']['element']]->alias = $child['token']['alias'];
00210         $link->Attributes[$child['token']['element']]->permission = $child['token']['permession'];
00211         //{{{ Parse The Criteria
00212         switch($child['token']['permession']){
00213           case 'readonly':
00214             if(is_array($child['value'])){
00215               perror('ERROR While Parsing the ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.' a Read only Field `'.$child['token']['element'].'` can not Contain Criteria cause No data is going to be written on that Field By the Layer or By you');
00216               exit;
00217             }
00218           break;
00219           case 'writable':
00220             if(is_array($child['value'])){
00221               $link->Attributes[$child['token']['element']]->criteria = array();
00222               foreach($child['value'] as $criteria => $err_msg){
00223                 if($criteria == 'required' && isset($link->Attributes[$child['token']['element']]->default)){
00224                   perror('ERROR While Parsing the ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.'<br />You cannot use a default Value if you use required as a criteria Use optional criteria Instead<br />near<br />'.$criteria.': '.$err_msg.' under Attribute '.$child['token']['element']);
00225                 }
00226                 if($criteria != '__default'){
00227                   $link->Attributes[$child['token']['element']]->criteria[$criteria] = $err_msg;
00228                 }else{
00229                   $link->Attributes[$child['token']['element']]->default = $err_msg;
00230                 }
00231               }
00232             }
00233             break;
00234           default:
00235             perror('ERROR While Parsing the ORM Map on file '.$this->__map_file_name.' Unexpected Permission Type '.$child['token']['permession']);
00236             exit;
00237         }
00238         //}}}
00239       }
00240       //}}
00241     }
00242     //}
00243   }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Field Documentation


Definition at line 32 of file prs_orm.php.


Definition at line 33 of file prs_orm.php.

Referenced by parseMap().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Mon Oct 27 23:53:11 2008 for zigmoyd.kdevelop by doxygen 1.5.6