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Database Connectivity

Collaboration diagram for Database Connectivity:


 Custom Database Access without Magic Methods
 This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework.
 Dynamic ORM
 This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework.
 Object-relational mapping.
 This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework.
 Common Database Essentials
 This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework.
 Database Access by SQL query.
 This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework.

Data Structures

class  ormMapParser
 This file is part of Zigmoyd PHP Framework. More...

Detailed Description

Zigmoyd offers four different ways to communicate with database. they are Static ORM layers, Dynamic ORM Layers, zDbAccess and zQuery. Database Connection is always maintained by a connection file.which has an extension con.ini.php. while connecting to database. you need to pass the Connection file name. e.g. if connection file name is connectionName.con.ini.php you need to pass connectionName

You will mainly use the static ORM Layer. Where an ORM Map is hard written as a Configuration file. which Zigmoyd Parses and builds an ORM Class. that is used as a table level object and you can invoke several methods on that to do several operations. you dont need to write a single SQL query in first three of these thease above mentioned four ways except zQuery. and in case of zDynOrm (Dynamic ORM) or zDbAccess ORM Classes are build on the fly. ad zQuery engine is to execute SQL Querys Directly to the table using a connection file.

Generated on Mon Oct 27 23:52:11 2008 for zigmoyd.kdevelop by doxygen 1.5.6