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class-gen.php File Reference

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Data Structures

class  orm_CodeGen
 orm_CodeGen Class Parses the the orm Map on .orm.map.php file from /projects/prjName/etc/conf.d and generates the classes on /projects/prjName/apps/model/orm More...


 load_orm_map ($mapName, $projectName)
 load_orm_map() will accept the ormMapName and projectName parse the orm Map from /projects/projectName/etc/conf.d/ormMapName.orm.map.php generate the class on /projects/projectName/apps/model/orm/ormMapName.orm.php and then include that generated class file and returns the tableAlias className(s) as an numarically indexed array

Generated on Mon Oct 27 23:51:56 2008 for zigmoyd.kdevelop by doxygen 1.5.6